Category Spotify

Everything Spotify related.

Spotify Jam – a new way to listen with friends

Spotify Jam - a new way to listen with friends

Spotify are known for their music sharing features. It seems like they’re always introducing new ways to stream with friends. This time, users can start a Jam and people worldwide can join in. Spotify have worked hard on introducing features…

Build mailing lists through Pre-save fan email collection

We’ve added a brand-new Premium feature which allows musicians to collect the email addresses of their fans through nothing more than their Pre-save. Promote your music ahead of its release date and create a future mailing list. A new feature…

Spotify daylist – a regularly changing custom playlist

Spotify have introduced a new feature for all users. Daylist is a personalised playlist for each user which updates throughout the day. As your mood changes, so do your song suggestions. Spotify have added a new feature. They’ve found, throughout…

Spotify are removing lyrics from their free plan

If you’re someone who likes viewing the lyrics and singing along to your favourite tracks, you’ll need to consider upgrading. No longer will it be a free option with Spotify’s latest changes. Spotify are known for being quite generous with…

How to save a music track before its release day

Your favourite artist is releasing a new track, and you want to be one of the first to hear it? Well, lucky for you, you’re able to save it ahead of time, providing they have created a Pre-save. When your…

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