Category Spotify

Everything Spotify related.

Spotify has over 100,000 video podcasts online

Since 2019 when podcasts first took to Spotify, they have grown by a huge amount. In 2020 the music platform introduced video podcasts. They now have over 100,000 available for their users. Since Spotify started their podcasts in 2019 they…

US music publishing grew by nearly $1,000M in 2022

In 2022 alone, the US recorded music industry grew by $500M however, the music publishing industry almost doubled that. The US is in fact the world’s largest music market. 2022 saw a huge increase in music publishing. In fact, the…

Spotify introduce Supremium tier to include HiFi streaming

Spotify are introducing a higher priced Premium plan, rather than adjusting their current price. The new plan will include HiFi streaming and more audiobook options. Spotify haven’t raised their standard $9.99 subscription, despite being encouraged to do so. However, they…

Pre-saves – a game changer for all music artists

A Pre-save is a digital pre-ordering system, allowing fans to save their favourite artist’s new tracks ahead of release day. On the day of release, they’ll find it within their music library. Pre-saves are extremely popular tools with all music…

Spotify adds Brazilian payment method PIX

Spotify have made upgrading to Premium even easier by adding the payment method PIX. It’s the most used payment service within Brazil, so by adding this, their Premium numbers may increase. Music streaming service Spotify have now added PIX as…

Spotify are testing Offline Mix feature

It’s been in progress for some time. However, Spotify are finally in the process of testing a playlist that will download your recent favourites. It will hold a few hours of music, and could be perfect for those on the…

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