If you’re someone who likes viewing the lyrics and singing along to your favourite tracks, you’ll need to consider upgrading. No longer will it be a free option with Spotify’s latest changes.

Spotify are known for being quite generous with their free options. They typically don’t gate-keep their features. The main benefit for upgrading your account is losing the adverts which pop up and often disrupt the listening experience. Other than this, the majority of new features added are included within every plan.
However, one feature that has been included on the free plan since it first appeared, might now be getting axed. It won’t be removed from those who pay for the streaming platform. Those who use the free plan might see the lyrics option disappear, however. It’s not been said why Spotify are choosing to do this.
The likely reason is to earn more money. Something as simple as a lyrics feature might not matter to many users, but there will be a lot who use the feature regularly. If they want to continue to use it, they’ll have to upgrade their Spotify account. This feature won’t disappear for all free users straight away.
Spotify will be removing the lyrics option from a limited number of accounts. These seem to be picked at random. The accounts chosen will be from different markets too, so that Spotify can monitor changes worldwide. If the platform see a huge increase in upgrades, then they’ll remove the lyrics feature from all free accounts.
However, if a lot of users fight back against this decision, Spotify may retract it. After all, they’d rather have free users than no users. Free users still earn the streaming store money. The adverts played across these accounts earn revenue which replaces the subscription fee. Spotify reported a loss in the latest quarter which is likely why they’ve made some changes.