Spotify DJ expands – it’s now available in 50 worldwide markets

Spotify DJ was launched in beta in February. Since then, it’s developed and is now ready to launch in various markets. DJ is an AI feature that knows your music taste and will therefore decide what tracks to play.

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Credit: Spotify

As mentioned, back in February Spotify revealed their new DJ feature which is an AI tool, allowing the platform to decide what songs you listen to. It knows your favourite genres and what style of music you listen to most. By noting your favourite artists and tracks, it can find new music for you to listen to.

DJ also provides artists with a way to connect with their fans and vice versa. When first launched, Spotify users within the US and Canada really enjoyed the feature. It allowed them to hear commentary as well as music recommendations that were unique to them. This feature is particularly great because it feels like you have your own personal DJ.

Spotify rolled their DJ feature out to a small amount of people first. Then, in May, it widen its audience again by adding it to the UK market. Ireland also saw it at this time, and it continued to grow from there. It seems now, Spotify are ready to tackle even more markets by adding a huge amount of countries at once.

The DJ option is still in beta, however. There are no current rumours about when it will come out of this mode. Any Spotify Premium users in the following territories; Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand will be able to use the DJ feature now. However, it’s only available in English at this current stage.

For those who are using the English version of the app within these regions, you can now start using the DJ feature. However, currently, while in beta, you cannot access any other languages. We’d imagine over time this will change. Spotify are likely working on rolling out their initial version first and ensuring there are no bugs before expanding.

How to use Spotify DJ

You’ll first need to ensure you’ve upgraded your Spotify account to their Premium version otherwise you won’t be able to access the DJ feature. If you’re a Spotify Premium user you’ll be able to access a line-up of music that has been AI selected based upon your likes and habits. You can skip them however, if they’re not working for you.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Go to Spotify on your iOS or Android device.
  • Head to your Music feed via the home page.
  • Click DJ.


  • Head to your Spotify app on your mobile device.
  • Choose the Search tab.
  • Click on the Made for You hub.
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