Category People

Case studies and commentaries of independent musicians, content creators and brands that use PUSH to fulfil their DIY marketing needs.

5 benefits to collaborating with other brands and artists

As an independent artist or a small brand, you might be protective over what you’ve created. This is understandable because unfortunately sometimes, people can take advantage of smaller brands. However, if done properly, the benefits of collaborating with another brand…

When is the best time to post your content on TikTok?

TikTok is the most exciting thing at the moment. Let’s face it, even those who say they don’t use it secretly do. Stop pretending you’re tool cool for it. We know you can’t resist the catchy beats or trying out…

8 Instagram hacks for new content creators

Created an Instagram? Great! Now it’s time to make it work. You can’t go from newbie to influencer overnight unfortunately, but you can grow organically without it taking forever. Everyone’s on Instagram these days and if you’ve got content you…

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