Category Music marketing

How musicians, producers and labels can use the breadth of tools to market their music and further their musical career.

A beginner’s guide to Reward Links

Reward Links can be used by anyone really. However, typically they are used by artists encouraging their fans to get involved with their music. A Reward Link offers both you and your audience something in return. You get more exposure…

5 ways independent musicians are wasting their time

As an independent artist, time is money. You’ve got so much to pile onto your plate, it’s important you don’t waste time on things that don’t really need it. Focus on the things that are necessities. Everything else can wait.…

Grow your Instagram account through collaborations

Accounts that collab together, grow together. Or at least that’s how we like to think of it. It benefits all parties though when a collaboration takes place. Getting involved with other accounts means you’re sharing followers. This helps both accounts…

5 free websites to easily create a SoundCloud banner

Your SoundCloud banner needs to be eye catching. It’s a statement and one of the first things people will see when visiting your page. Ensure it fits with your brand identity. There are many websites which allow you to create…

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