Category Music marketing

How musicians, producers and labels can use the breadth of tools to market their music and further their musical career.

Top ways to discover new music

Are you getting a little bored with listening to the same tracks over and over? Perhaps you struggle to find new artists that you love. Maybe you just don’t know where to start. Let’s face it, streaming stores have so…

Marketing your music as a producer – dos and don’ts

Marketing music as a producer comes with its challenges. That’s why it’s important to take tips wherever you can. We’ve come across a really useful YouTube video that could provide you with some really useful advice. One of the first…

5 websites for creating powerful content

The more, the merrier. We all want the perfect content. It’s important it looks professional, but we don’t all have the experience to create powerful content. That’s where creative websites can come in to save the day. But, which ones?… – free tools for content creators offer tools completely free to every content creator and artist. It might sound too good to be true, but trust us, it’s free with no catch. We believe every artist should have the tools to be able to promote…

Music reviews and critiques – are they important?

Music reviews seem to be less popular these days compared to decades ago. Is there a reason for this or has music just become so diverse that it’s impossible to review all genres? Perhaps it’s because there’s too much music…

The 4 main areas within the music industry

What do you think of when you hear the words music industry? Do you think of yourself as a musician? Artists who you love? Or, do you think of the different areas that the music industry is broken down into?…

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