Tag social media tools

5 days of Christmas – social media festive ideas

When it comes to social media, it’s important to be current and relevant. To get the most out of your accounts, you need to stay on top of trends and holiday season is a massive way to do this. The…

Instagram now lets you post directly from your desktop

Great news for content creators, marketing specialists, social media managers and basically everyone who uses Instagram from their computer. Instagram have finally allowed us to post directly from our desktop to the platform. No need to send photos and videos…

Twitter Spaces has been launched for Android and IOS

Twitter has been working hard to allow all users to get involved with their Spaces feature. Now, they’ve expanded across to Android and IOS. You can either host or join someone else’s space. It acts as a great platform to…

Facebook posts will now cross over with your Instagram

It’s like a giant UNO reverse card has been thrown into the works, but it’s a great one. For a while now you’ve been able to send your Instagram posts directly to Facebook, but now, the roles are reversed. You…

Instagram 101: How to effortlessly create an artist page

It’s pretty unlikely to come across someone in 2021 that doesn’t have Instagram. Even the ones who deem themselves as too cool for social media can’t resist the photo sharing platform. Instagram has become about so much more than just…

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