Tag free marketing tools

Free marketing tools for independent musicians

Being an independent musician means you have to do everything yourself. Including the marketing. It can be difficult to know where to start, but that’s where we’re here to help. PUSH.fm offer free marketing tools that could benefit all independent…

7 types of Reward Links that work

Reward Links offer benefits to you as the creator, and your audience. You get to set tasks to help grow your name. Your audience get access to a digital reward for completing these tasks. There are so many ways you…

PUSH 101: What could you promote through a QR code?

QR codes are valuable digital tools. They act as barcodes, taking your audience directly to the website or landing page required. Cutting out the need to search independently. Social media Add your social media account to your promotional tools through…

Instagram now allows businesses to turn reels into adverts

It seems Instagram’s new updates haven’t stopped there. They’ve already prioritised reels over normal posts. Now, they’re making it even easier for brands to advertise their company. Where will they stop? Or, will they continue expanding? Instagram are forever expanding…

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