Instagram introduces Reel responses for comments

Instagram has stepped up the game again. Now you can respond to comments on your Reels with further Reels. Perhaps someone has responded to your video asking you a question that you could clear up easier by filming a response. They…

PUSH 101: How and why to set up a Spotify Pre-save

While it’s become more accessible for artists to share their music across the world, it’s also become more competitive. The music industry can be a difficult thing to conquer. However, creating a Pre-save can help drive listeners before your release hits…

Afterlight – a photo editing app for IOS

With a 4.7 out of 5-star review, it’s a pretty popular app. You can add filters, textures and borders to your images. Making it really easy to change up any photo you’ve snapped while on your phone. Why not give it…

Spotify are trialling TikTok’s video features

Spotify have introduced a new feature which is currently in its beta version where users will be able to react to videos as they would on TikTok. The short style videos will be similar to that of the video sharing giant…

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