While it’s become more accessible for artists to share their music across the world, it’s also become more competitive. The music industry can be a difficult thing to conquer. However, creating a Pre-save can help drive listeners before your release hits the streaming stores.

Throughout the years streaming stores have made things more accessible. However, despite your music being on the platforms, you still need to get people listening. How do you get people to stream your tracks? Promoting your release is one thing, but surely you want to guarantee streams ahead of time. That’s easy to achieve with a Pre-save. Secure Spotify listeners so when your track goes live, you’ll have streamers at the ready.
What is a Pre-save?
A Pre-save is essentially a digital pre-order. It allows you to save a track or album ahead of its release day. When it goes live, it will automatically be placed into your library. This means that even when they shuffle their playlists, your songs are likely to come up which is great for your streams. Not only that but your songs are easy to reach for them.
Not only will you appear on their own shuffled songs, but you’ll also have more of a chance of being featured on the playlists Spotify creates for them. Simply because they’ve been saved to their albums. Algorithmic playlists are really important to your growth as an artist. They’ll help with your exposure majorly. That’s why having your fans save your music ahead of its release date will help with your Spotify numbers.
Why is Spotify such an important platform?
Spotify is one of the largest streaming services around. It’s hugely popular with many people choosing it as their favourite or only streaming store. Cracking Spotify and its algorithms could gain so much attraction for you as an artist. As a streaming store it’s known for being one of the best at creating playlists for its users. Introducing Spotify Wrapped…
Your music could see itself put into plenty of playlists within its genre. This increases your listeners drastically because more people are able to discover your sound. Not only do they have their Wrapped playlist each year, but they have daily playlists created for their users too. Daily Mixes, Discover Weekly, there’s so much choice and opportunity for exposure. As an artist you really should be on Spotify’s service.
They have a great way of connecting potential listeners to new artists. Its system is arguably unbeatable when it comes to choosing sounds that might fit your style. You’ll see first hand all the statistics surrounding your music. Using Spotify for Artists you’ll be able to see where your new listeners are being drawn in from.
How do the two work together?
Creating a Pre-save for your track set to release on Spotify will encourage your fans to save it ahead of time. This means when it launches, it will already have multiple listeners. Without even having to notice the date, your fans are automatically going to have your tracks placed into their library. That means as they’re listening to their songs, it will shuffle into their playlists.
Since Spotify is one of the best performing streaming platforms, creating a Pre-save option makes complete sense. PUSH.fm provides a completely free service, so you can create a Pre-save ahead of your release hitting the stores. Before signing up, see how you’re doing without a Pre-save and then notice the difference once your Pre-save is set up. It’s a really useful promotion tool that you can put into your social media bios, and then you only have one URL to promote.