Category Streaming stores

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Everything and anything associated with digital streaming stores; including the big boys, Spotify, Apple Music & Deezer.

PUSH 101: A beginner’s guide to music production

The world of music is a confusing place. Especially when you’re first entering it. You might want to give it a go but not have a clue where to start. There’s so many guides and videos out there but not…

YouTube – are your tracks eligible for Content ID?

If you’ve spent ages mastering your tracks, you want to make sure they’ll be accepted by your distributor for Content ID. Music distributors can seem like they’re being tough with what they accept, but that’s only because they have strict…

Spotify’s most popular content of 2021

Sit back, grab a cuppa and prepare yourself for what’s about to come… Can you guess who made it to the top spot? Or, do you have no idea? We have the inside scoop on all things Spotify, so we…

PUSH 101: How and why to set up a Spotify Pre-save

While it’s become more accessible for artists to share their music across the world, it’s also become more competitive. The music industry can be a difficult thing to conquer. However, creating a Pre-save can help drive listeners before your release…

Spotify are trialling TikTok’s video features

Spotify have introduced a new feature which is currently in its beta version where users will be able to react to videos as they would on TikTok. The short style videos will be similar to that of the video sharing…

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