Category Streaming stores

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Everything and anything associated with digital streaming stores; including the big boys, Spotify, Apple Music & Deezer.

Reward Links – how can they benefit you

Have you ever used a Reward Link for your content? If not, why? Trust us, they’re like gold dust. They can help you grow any social media or streaming platform of your choice. Best of all, both you and your…

The power of Smart Links within marketing

Smart Links are a really useful tool within your marketing strategy. They have the power to boost your audience massively. The more places you share your links, the more people who will potentially see them. Using you can create…

5 ways you can support independent artists

Being an independent artist is tricky. You have all the responsibilities fall on your shoulders. Everything comes back to you as you’re in charge of writing, recording, distributing, promotion, marketing and all the other steps that go into music making.…

Top ways to discover new music

Are you getting a little bored with listening to the same tracks over and over? Perhaps you struggle to find new artists that you love. Maybe you just don’t know where to start. Let’s face it, streaming stores have so…

Spotify monthly active users reached 406 million in 2021

Whether you’re a Spotify fan or not, you can’t argue they’re doing exceptionally well with their subscriptions. Within 2021 they grew to 406 million active users each month. It’s often found to be the preferred streaming store, and with statistics…

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