Spotify have been introducing new features and redesigns a lot lately. Another one they’ve just brought to the table will see user profile cards sharing their personalised recommendations.

Spotify are continuing to update their platform. They seem to be doing everything at once. When will their changes end? Will they ever come to a point where they’re happy with the app as it is? Or, are they just trying to stay ahead of the competition? Either way, Spotify have added another idea to their pot.
Soon, users will be able to see a new revamp of how the platform appears. Spotify are adding in card-style layouts for all user profiles. These are almost a social aspect of the app. They offer insights into your listening styles and habits, while also sharing personalised playlists that Spotify has hand-picked for you.
It seems some users have already seen these changes. Chris Messina shared some pictures across Twitter of what his current Spotify account looks like. The updates have been added to his account, it seems as a user trial. Underneath the cards visible on a user’s profile, there is a Discover more features button encouraging users to explore the platform further.
The feature itself has been part of Spotify’s live testing for a while now, which is why several users are coming forward to say they’ve had user profile cards for some time. However, it hasn’t been rolled out to every user yet. It appears these live tests were in certain markets only.
Spotify haven’t commented on when every user will have access to this new feature. The feature is public, but there is no information about when it will be sent worldwide, or, if it will be available for everyone at the same time. It could be a slow roll-out. It seems Spotify are working on gaining feedback first.
Will Spotify launch the feature or not?
This means it might never become available for every user. If they get a lot of negative feedback, and it’s going to cost too much to rectify these issues, they could scrap it all together. However, many think it isn’t likely they’ll scrap it because the concept fits in really well with their discovery push.
Currently, user profiles don’t offer a lot of information. They state the username, their followers and following and then their playlists. Whereas, with the new design, you’ll be able to see where the user is based, how long they’ve been using Spotify and even whether they’re on a free or Premium plan.
It seems we need to watch this space when it comes to Spotify, as they’re always making new updates. Whether we will all see this across the platform or not is yet to be known. It seems likely at this time. What will Spotify come up with next? Is there even room for more changes? Or, will the platform soon be completely unrecognisable?