Category Discussions

A source of dialogues discussing various topics, arguments and opinions in the worlds of marketing and content creation.

8 incredible brand campaigns that no one saw coming

Crocs no longer have just their normal and sports modes. Now, they have a party mode activated. Brands that just shouldn’t work together, somehow have, and we’re here for it. They’re pushing boundaries and while it may not be serious,…

Facebook Reels launched in the US to rival TikTok

A new trial has been taken to The States. After Instagram’s massive success with their reels feature, Facebook have launched a test run of a similar thing. Social media platforms are constantly in competition and Facebook couldn’t let TikTok take…

TikTok trials 24-hour stories to rival Instagram

It all started with Snapchat. People could upload photos and videos to their stories, knowing within 24 hours, they would disappear. Instagram caught on to this really popular feature and decided to adopt it as their own. Now, it’s TikTok’s…

Imagine having to promote your music as a 2000s kid

Love or hate social media, we can’t deny they have made promoting your music a whole lot easier. What if we went back to the good old days, when it was first being formed? Imagine updating your MSN description with…

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