Tag tiktok video

Spotify are trialling TikTok’s video features

Spotify have introduced a new feature which is currently in its beta version where users will be able to react to videos as they would on TikTok. The short style videos will be similar to that of the video sharing…

Get paid to create Instagram Reels

TikTok’s rival just got more intense. You can now be paid to create Instagram Reels. Great news for content creators. They can now earn more money through their social media posts. Creatives can be paid up to $35,000 a month,…

How to boost your TikTok following with sponsorships

TikTok is arguably one of the best apps to be discovered on right now. This is because people share TikTok videos without a second thought. Meaning, if someone likes your video, it could end up being passed far and wide.…

The fall of Vine vs the rise of TikTok

Both had similar concepts. Short but sweet video clips all combined into one app. Anyone could share, anyone could create and anyone could watch. So why did 2 very similar platforms have 2 very different outcomes? Why did one rise…

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