Tag tiktok video

TikTok – can I send and receive direct messages (DMs)?

In short, the answer is, yes. You can both send and receive messages through TikTok’s platform. It’s a brilliant way of sharing funny videos you’ve watched with your friends. Or, reaching out to a content creator you follow. Here’s how…

TikTok’s latest transparency report

In an aim to be completely open, TikTok have released their transparency report. Within it, you can see content and adverts that have been pulled down from the platform throughout the past 12 months. TikTok have released their transparency report,…

TikTok have added a dislike button

TikTok have added a new feature to their app. This time, users will have access to a dislike button. The great part is, the dislike button is only for comments. So, no one can choose to dislike a video. TikTok…

A guide to going live on TikTok

When should you go live? How many followers should you have before considering it? Will it boost your audience? There are so many questions surrounding TikTok lives. We’re here to break them down and give you the dos and don’ts.…

Does your business need to be on TikTok?

With social platforms evolving every day, how do you figure out what your business needs vs what would be a waste of time? Trial and error, or educated guess work? It’s not always true that you should be on every…

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