Tag spotify playlists

Spotify predicted to hit 1 billion users globally by 2030

Despite Spotify’s monthly active users slowing down in Latin America, the streaming store is still on track to hit 1 billion users worldwide by 2030. They recently held an event in New York where they shared all their latest predictions.…

Eurovision competition has taken over Spotify

With the lead up to the big music competition of the year, Spotify have seen more and more playlists being created around the topic. People go crazy for Eurovision. It’s a time to get together with friends and family and…

What happens when you Pre-save a song on Spotify?

You may have seen your favourite artists asking their fans to Pre-save their latest track ahead of release day. Have you ever wondered why they’re asking this? You may think it’s not important, and you can just come back to…

Spotify’s most popular content of 2021

Sit back, grab a cuppa and prepare yourself for what’s about to come… Can you guess who made it to the top spot? Or, do you have no idea? We have the inside scoop on all things Spotify, so we…

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