Tag instagram reels

How long should Instagram Reels be in 2022?

The perfect length of your Reels does depend on your Instagram audience. However, it’s best to start with a mix of 15 seconds and 60 seconds to begin with. With a 15-second video your content will continue to loop, this…

Instagram users aren’t happy with the latest updates

Instagram have recently made more updates to the media sharing app. Unfortunately, this hasn’t impressed its users. Many are requesting the platform bring back the old feed. However, this seems unlikely. Is it simply a case of people needing to…

Top 5 Instagram habits to strengthen your audience

With Instagram being one of the best platforms to go viral on currently. You need to be present and allow your branding to be strong if you want to stand out. Think about what your purpose is on the platform…

Instagram trends to look out for in 2022

New Year, new rules. What’s on trend in 2022 that wasn’t in previous years, and also what’s stayed the same? Instagram continues to grow in popularity. It’s a great place for creatives of all types to grow and expand their…

Why are Instagram Reels so important?

If you haven’t already started creating Reels then you really need to. They’re a game changer. It can turn your Instagram from drab to fab. Gain followers and send your views through the roof. Explore page Find yourself on the…

Instagram introduces Reel responses for comments

Instagram has stepped up the game again. Now you can respond to comments on your Reels with further Reels. Perhaps someone has responded to your video asking you a question that you could clear up easier by filming a response.…

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