Tag brands

A fool-proof guide to creating infographics

Infographics are eye-catching documents containing concise but useful information. They draw people in with their bold colours and imagery. But while they have you captured, they also provide facts, statistics and figures. What is an infographic? What can you use…

7 types of Reward Links that work

Reward Links offer benefits to you as the creator, and your audience. You get to set tasks to help grow your name. Your audience get access to a digital reward for completing these tasks. There are so many ways you…

Goals to have to grow your business | PUSH.fm

We’re bringing you another article written by a guest author. Bernard San Juan has created this article to teach you everything you need to know about business growth and how your branding is vital to this. Branding Goals for Business…

Instagram bio templates for brands and individuals

Need to revamp your Instagram bio? Is it looking a bit old and boring? Or, does it no longer represent what your business is about? It’s important to keep your Instagram bio fresh and up-to-date if you want to continue…

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