Category Deezer

Everything Deezer related.

Reward Links – everything you need to know

Reward Links offer benefits for both you and your audience. You set tasks that must be completed for your fans to access the reward. They help you gain followers, listeners and interest. How many tasks must be completed is chosen…

PUSH 101: What could you promote through a QR code?

QR codes are valuable digital tools. They act as barcodes, taking your audience directly to the website or landing page required. Cutting out the need to search independently. Social media Add your social media account to your promotional tools through… launch a feature to create your own QR codes

Now your campaigns can be turned into QR codes, so anyone can reach them with just a quick scan. They’re generated for you once your link has been created, and you can use them to promote your work even further.…

PUSH 101: What is a Smart URL, and how can it help?

Sleek, trackable landing pages for multiple links. Place more than one link under just one personalised URL. Allowing your audience to access various resources through an easy-to-reach location. Fantastic choice for any business, creative or music artist. What is a…

Music distribution companies for independent artists

Being an independent artist comes with its own set of challenges, but distributing your music shouldn’t be one. Despite the music industry being an expensive place to be, not all distribution companies charge the earth. We’re going to dive into…

PUSH 101: Can you Pre-save on Spotify?

Pre-saves allow artists to promote their music and secure listeners ahead of their release day. It’s great for both the creator and their fans. Fans are able to save the tracks before they go live and on release day they’ll…

How many Pre-saves is a good amount?

Create as many Pre-saves as you can. Each time you have an upcoming release with a future Sales Start Date, create yourself a Pre-save. This way you’ll help drive attention to your music before its release. Pre-saving helps boost your…

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