Category Resources

Valuable resources you can use to market your music and content.

Influencers vs Content Creators – what are the differences?

Sometimes people who class themselves as content creators across social media platforms get mistaken for influencers. While they both may create posts for social channels, they have different roles. Influencers typically have briefs and are sponsored to produce their work.…

5 websites for creating powerful content

The more, the merrier. We all want the perfect content. It’s important it looks professional, but we don’t all have the experience to create powerful content. That’s where creative websites can come in to save the day. But, which ones?…

Top websites for marketing inspiration

Take inspiration from people who have already been there and done it. Stop stressing yourself over what’s coming next and how to discover new ideas. Instead, use the tools already in place to help figure out what moves you need…

Minta – an online sales marketing platform

If you’re in the business of selling products online, you might want to read this. Minta is a website that creates automated videos and photos for marketing purposes. Whatever product you’re selling, you can create content ready for social media…

Top social media tips for small businesses

You’re not just starting a business, you’re also starting social media pages along with it. You need to ensure you don’t take on too much but also give yourself and your brand the best chance to begin. Otherwise, you’ll flop… – free tools for content creators offer tools completely free to every content creator and artist. It might sound too good to be true, but trust us, it’s free with no catch. We believe every artist should have the tools to be able to promote…

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