
Articles that span the breadth of what we offer at and just how to use all of our tools to the best of your capabilities and applications. – free tools for content creators offer tools completely free to every content creator and artist. It might sound too good to be true, but trust us, it’s free with no catch. We believe every artist should have the tools to be able to promote…

PUSH 101: How to add subtitles to your YouTube videos

I’m sure you’ve seen YouTube’s subtitles options across most videos on the platform. They’re great to be able to follow along with the video itself, whether you need the subtitles or simply want to be able to pause and take… – the best alternative to Linktree

If you’re looking for a Smart Link provider, you might think of Linktree before anything else. This is because they have an established name behind them. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the best option for you. Smart Links can…

Top resources for independent musicians

It can be tricky without a label telling you what step to take next. How do you figure out what you need and what you don’t? It’s not just finding the right platforms, but you also need to find the…

PUSH 101: How and why to set up a Spotify Pre-save

While it’s become more accessible for artists to share their music across the world, it’s also become more competitive. The music industry can be a difficult thing to conquer. However, creating a Pre-save can help drive listeners before your release…

A beginner’s guide to Reward Links

Reward Links can be used by anyone really. However, typically they are used by artists encouraging their fans to get involved with their music. A Reward Link offers both you and your audience something in return. You get more exposure…

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