When you’re releasing music, it’s important to get it right. You need to be aware of your audience and the time of year you’re aiming to release. It seems ridiculous releasing a Christmas song in the summer, doesn’t it? However, people don’t always seem to think of other seasons and what should and shouldn’t be released in them.

The first month of the year. It’s typically cold and wet (unless you’re living somewhere like sunny Australia). People tend to have less motivation and with it being dark outside, they don’t have the energy they might at other times of the year. Not only that but it’s just been Christmas, money is tighter than ever. There’s a lot more financial pressure in January and people overall are at their most miserable state. January has often been called the worst month of the year. Sorry if your birthday falls in this month, we promise we’re not hating on January, we’re just saying it how most people see it…
With all of this being taken into account, it’s unlikely January will be the best month to start sharing your tracks with the world. Christmas has only just been and gone. The world sees so much new content during the festive period. It’s probably one of the hardest months you could pick to then go and share your new release. People have lost the December spark and are now worrying about the coming month. It’s hard to decide what type of music you could even share during January. People are unlikely to want, upbeat, summer style tracks but equally, sad and slow probably aren’t wise either. It’s probably for the best you avoid January for music releasing.
What to release
- Slow songs
- Workout tracks
- Upbeat messages within songs
- Sad songs
Moving on from the first month of the year, we come into February. While this should really be similar to January as it’s still dark, cold and wet in many countries across the world. It does have an upper hand. It’s a much shorter month for a start. So, people are slowly starting to earn their money back from Christmas because it’s a much shorter wait for that sweet payday once February is here. Not only that but it’s the month of love. This can go two ways of course. It can be a happy month, spreading love and positivity wherever you go. Or, alternatively, it can be slightly less joyful if you’re going through heartache.
Both of these factors can be used to your advantage when it comes to creating music though. If you want to release something all loved up, you totally can. Of course, make sure it’s out in time for the 14th which is of course Valentine’s Day. This could perform really well for you and could increase your likelihood of being streamed. On the other hand, you might decide to go down the not so happy route. It’s likely this will also be received well by those who relate to what you’re saying. There will be many people who are on the same page as you and despise the idea of the 14th February.
What to release
- Upbeat songs about love and hope
- Tracks relating to change
- Sad songs about heartbreak
- Relationship songs
We’re heading into Spring now for many people. The weather is improving, and new life is beginning to arrive. We finally head out of the slumber we seem to have been in for the past couple of months. So, it’s the perfect time for some happier tracks. However, it’s important to note how much is already released during March. Yes, it’s a more positive time of year, however many people are already having the same idea. This means your competition will be seriously fierce. With this month, you’ll have to compete more than ever. It isn’t that you shouldn’t release in March, but we would suggest really thinking about it before you decide to do this.
It’s a month for change and new beginnings. Consider this if you do decide to release in March. Your music could be along these lines. It could be about change and shaking off the cobwebs from previous months as such. It’s a time for happiness and life within your music. Not only that, but it might not be the time to release a heartbreak anthem as it possibly won’t perform as well as it would have within February. Remember there are more people to go head-to-head with, so only release something if you’ve spent a considerable amount of time on this track.
What to release
- Upbeat music
- Songs about new beginnings
- New life and growth
- Happy tracks
If we’re talking about the USA, we need to remember that April is taxes month. It’s really important to remember this. If you’re considering going big with your promotion and campaigns, maybe think of this as it’s potentially another tight month for money. You might want to be relatable here by mentioning taxes within your music. It’s not a particularly exciting month for changes. It isn’t quite summer, and it isn’t the start of Spring. Likewise, it can be quite hit-and-miss with the weather, but overall people are in much higher sprits than they would be during the Winter.
April also holds Record Store Day, so this could be a great time to release your very own record. You might want to consider which single you work on for this month. It might be you have a few you’re working on, and you want to choose one to be placed onto a record. You could even create a collaboration with a record company. This could be an extra way of making money during April, allowing your fans to buy a one off record for your music. Think about what genre you want to be placed onto this option.
What to release
- Songs about finances
- Losing or gaining money
- Upbeat tracks
A fantastic month for releasing music. There’s nothing bad to say about May, it really is a brilliant time to share your sound. The sunshine is here, in fact in the UK that’s probably one of the nicest months of the year for sun. Honestly, our Summer isn’t always that. We typically see a lot of miserable days and ask ourselves where Summer actually is. Anyway, because of this, May is brilliant. People are in high spirits because the nights are lighter, evenings are longer, and we’re heading towards the carefree Summer months. Get ahead of the game and get the most out of your tracks by preparing for this.
Prepare your Summer bangers. Get ready for the party season. It’s a great time to release songs to dance and sing along to. Imagine, roof down, music up and driving while singing your heart out. That’s the kind of music everyone wants in May. It gives you more time to drum up listeners for Summer. Dance tracks will do particularly well. Everyone is in high spirits and want to have fun and enjoy themselves. You’ll see more parties going on and more interaction between friends which is why it’s a perfect time for some dance music.
What to release
- Energetic tracks
- Summer music
- Dance/EDM
- Upbeat/fun music
We’re moving more towards the Summer holidays. Depending on where you are in the world, some schools are already out for the break period. This means, sun, sea, fun and laughter. That’s what we all think of when we hear Summer. While we’re not in the height of it just yet, it’s the perfect time to release your tracks if you haven’t already. This is because you’ve got 3 whole months of this season to drive your promotion and get your music heard. People are typically happier at this time of the year. They’re going out more and interacting with friends. There isn’t the desire to stay inside under the covers because it’s finally warmer.
People want energy, they’ve just spent months in the cold and wet weather. Before they know it, that time of year will be here again. It’s a perfect time to enjoy yourself and sad, slow music isn’t really going to do this for you. So, it’s possibly not the time to release those heartbreak tracks. Maybe save those for later on in the year and focus on the excited energy that we’ve all been waiting all year for. Think beach holiday, pool parties and dancing in the sun with friends. Even if this isn’t a realistic idea of what your Summer looks like, this is still typically the stereotype for this season.
What to release
- Happy/upbeat songs
- Dance music
- Catchy songs
Schools out for Summer! That’s right, if you weren’t already on your Summer break, you certainly are now. It’s the time of year for most that they’ll see the most sunshine. It’s a time to relax a little and enjoy yourself. Make the most of the weather where you can sit outside and have a few drinks with your friends. After months of being stuck indoors, it’s great to be able to let go a little and have some fun. Not only that but it is typically the start of festival season. They’re not always in full swing, but we’re certainly on our way by the time July hits.
We are all here to party. It’s a fantastic time for live music so consider this. Could you play/sing/perform live during the warmer months? If so, make sure you focus on releasing your music then. Everyone wants to feel the positive mood throughout July so the genre you release here does matter. It’s a time for upbeat and catchy songs. It might be a time to release multiple singles. They might even perform better than an entire album because people want tracks they can pick up quickly and sing along to.
What to release
- Upbeat and catchy songs
- Happy lyrics
- Songs to sing along to
- Dance tracks
Officially the main month of Summer. We were already dancing and vibing to the Summer sun, but now? Now, we’re in full gear. People are at their happiest typically. Gigs and festivals are never ending. Seriously, you could probably find a gig or festival to attend almost daily. People are here for a good time. They want to be able to attend events with their friends and sing along to their favourite Summer tracks. This is a point where if you release your music, you could find yourself as people’s favourite Summer track. If that happens, they’re going to remember you.
While many people seem to have one hit wonders throughout the Summer, this doesn’t have to be the case. You can easily create one track that goes huge and then bounce off that for your future tracks. If people find your music catchy, they’ll remember it. Whenever it plays, they’ll instantly be thrown back to Summer, where they were carefree and happy. It’s a brilliant way to be remembered and have people look into your other music. Everyone’s attending gigs and festivals, so why not join in with one yourself and play your new release?
What to release
- Happy sing-along songs
- Dance or EDM tracks
- Songs relating to parties and sunshine
- Party vibe songs
It’s still sunny, but we’re getting back into the routine now. Gone are the long Summer evenings where we hadn’t got a care in the world. Now, we’re moving back into school days for the children and adults are back in their routines because of this. They don’t have the time off to spend with the kids. Instead, they’re focusing on the targets they need to be achieving at work. We’re still in high spirits, but it’s time for another big change. Just like Spring, we’re about to go into darker months, so we’re holding onto what is left of the warm weather.
As people are more focused on the work/life balance, it’s a great time for artists to really succeed. Everyone is looking for a new focus. They want new tracks to latch onto. Their Summer music might have been put onto a playlist for next year, and instead they’re looking for music they can work to. A new focus and music to match this. It’s a fantastic place for artists to release new music for those who are looking for artists they’ve never come across before. People are focused on new beginnings again and this includes music.
What to release
- Alternative music
- Indie music
- Songs about change
- Soft but happy music
It’s spooky season. What’s crazy is the change from September to October. It’s almost something people overlook, but it’s massive. We say goodbye to the last of the sun and the fresh new start of the educational year. Instead, we move along to the colder, darker weather. The nights are darker again and the leaves turn brown. It’s a time to say goodbye to plants and trees as they prepare to resurface in the Spring. We officially have Autumn and this is where people switch to wanting to be cosy and listen to music that matches. They’re less likely to dance around their bedroom to music, instead they’re looking for something soft that they can play while tucked up in their bed.
We also have Halloween which is a massive event in the music industry. You can take this as far as you like. From creating a slower and more meaningful song, to making something designed for the festive season. If you want to make a spooky track, now is your chance. Release something that people will have on repeat throughout the whole of the spooky period. Anything Halloween related will do really well during October. Creatives might even want to use your music within their Halloween content. If this is something you’d like a chance with, make sure you release sooner rather than later.
What to release
- Spooky/Halloween related music
- Slower, meaningful tracks
- Sad or moody music
- Reflective music
We’re in full cosy clothes now. Most of us barely want to leave the house. This is of course unless you’re fortunate enough to live somewhere that’s warm all year round. However, for most of us we’re cold, and it’s damp outside. We’ve put away all the Summer equipment and our Winter wardrobe is out. Yes, it’s technically Autumn, but it feels like Winter. So, we’re wanting music that fits the mood. Anything with more depth and meaning behind it. You know the type of music where you stare out of the window and pretend you’re part of a music video?
The holidays are here. In America, they have Thanksgiving during this month. It’s important if your music relates to being thankful and joyful with the things you have, that you release it during November. It’s a perfect time to get your thoughtful music out there. People love music they can relate to, so if you’re posting about your personal life, people might be able to sympathise with you. The mood is typically a happy one. Christmas is a month away, so it’s important you try and match this.
What to release
- Thankful and meaningful music
- Lyrics referring to family and loved ones
- Slow, deep music
- Uplifting sounds
Ho, Ho, Ho, it’s Christmas! Once Summer is over, people are counting down the days until Christmas. It’s basically here at that point. December is a really wholesome month filled with love and compassion. People want to be together, and the festive period really draws on that. The feeling of family and loved ones being brought together radiates through. It’s a perfect time to write meaningful and deep songs revolving around, family, friendship and love. If you’re wanting to release a track that pulls on the heartstrings, December is a great month to do so.
Of course the other angle you need to consider is Christmas itself. Think about some Christmas classics and the ideas behind them. If you want a happy, upbeat festive track, you need to release this before the big day. It could be a huge chance for your music to go viral and people to get behind you as an artist. You just need one big break and if that takes off, you could grow your following massively for future releases.
What to release
- Christmas tunes
- Upbeat, happy songs
- Slow, meaningful music
- Songs about family and friends
So there we have it. A full list of what months to release in. It’s important to note that the most recommended are May through to September and then again in December. This isn’t suggesting that months in between can’t also bring success. However, these through research have proved to be the best for gaining listeners. It also all comes down to your promotion and how far ahead you’re willing to start showing your music off. The more effort you put in and the longer you work on your tracks, the better they will do.