Tag independent artists

10 blog ideas for beginner musicians

10 blog ideas for beginner musicians

Starting a blog is an exciting thing. Especially when you have something you love and want to share it with others within your niche. Finding enough ideas to keep your blog moving steadily can be a mission. After all, you…

5 side hustle ideas for independent musicians

Being an independent musician brings its own challenges. One, being, finances. Here are some side hustles that could help you earn something extra each month. It’s hard to earn a substantial amount as a music artist, meaning often you’ll need…

Should independent artists promote their music on social media?

Recently, a new argument has come about whether independent musicians should be marketing their music online. Should they promote new releases across social platforms, or is this begging too much? There’s been quite the stir within the music world recently,…

How do the Boxing Day sales benefit music artists?

How do the Boxing Day sales benefit music artists

With Christmas sadly over for another year, we all look for the next focus. This is where many go mad for the Boxing Day sales, securing those items Santa didn’t quite bring them. But, did you know these sales can…

A brand-new platform Amazon Music for Artists launches

A brand-new platform Amazon Music for Artists launches

Amazon Music have launched an artist-focused website which provides independent musicians with the resources they need to analyse their music and promote to new audiences. Spotify for Artists has been a platform which offers vital tools for quite some time.…

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