Category People

Case studies and commentaries of independent musicians, content creators and brands that use PUSH to fulfil their DIY marketing needs.

Influencers vs Content Creators – what are the differences?

Sometimes people who class themselves as content creators across social media platforms get mistaken for influencers. While they both may create posts for social channels, they have different roles. Influencers typically have briefs and are sponsored to produce their work.…

Top social media tips for small businesses

You’re not just starting a business, you’re also starting social media pages along with it. You need to ensure you don’t take on too much but also give yourself and your brand the best chance to begin. Otherwise, you’ll flop…

PUSH 101: How to start your music career

You might be a budding musician that wants to turn it from a hobby into a career. It’s tricky knowing how, especially as it comes with some risks. However, if you never try, you’ll never know. So, bite the bullet…

Music reviews and critiques – are they important?

Music reviews seem to be less popular these days compared to decades ago. Is there a reason for this or has music just become so diverse that it’s impossible to review all genres? Perhaps it’s because there’s too much music… – the best alternative to Linktree

If you’re looking for a Smart Link provider, you might think of Linktree before anything else. This is because they have an established name behind them. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the best option for you. Smart Links can…

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