Category Guides

Guides you can use to learn, inform and inspire your marketing and promotional plans.

What is shadowbanning, and how do you avoid it?

If you’ve noticed a huge dip in your social media engagement recently, you might be experiencing a shadowban. Believe it or not, they are real. All social platforms have their own version, we’ve broken down how they all work below.…

A guide to creating powerful artwork for your next album

Your artwork is arguably as important as your album. It’s potentially what draws people in to listen. After all, if they’ve never heard your content before, what will make them pay attention? Captivating artwork that they can’t ignore! Album cover…

A fool-proof guide to creating infographics

Infographics are eye-catching documents containing concise but useful information. They draw people in with their bold colours and imagery. But while they have you captured, they also provide facts, statistics and figures. What is an infographic? What can you use…

What is a stage name, and how do you create one?

Did you ever grow up wondering how people became cool enough to have their own stage names? No? Just me then… I used to often wonder how they thought of it. What made it stick? What would mine be if…

Twitter bio examples – how to create your own

When people first click on your Twitter account, they’ll be met with your bio. This is why it’s important to ensure it represents you in the best light. What are you about, and what can you offer? Twitter has a…

How to stop people from replying to your Instagram story

Instagram creators can decide who can respond to the stories they create. As your account grows, it’s likely you’ll start receiving DMs you’d rather not have. Here’s how you can decide who can reply to your story. Just because you…

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