Category Fun

Does exactly what it says on the tin.

Eurovision competition has taken over Spotify

With the lead up to the big music competition of the year, Spotify have seen more and more playlists being created around the topic. People go crazy for Eurovision. It’s a time to get together with friends and family and…

A quick guide to the Metaverse for beginners

The word Metaverse if flying around a lot lately. With Facebook changing their name to Meta, more and more companies will be heading into the world of the Metaverse. What does that mean though? Is it a physical place? How…

Hit or miss – photo editing apps reviewed by PUSH

With the thousands of photo editing apps on the market, how do you pick? Sure, you can go off reviews, but scrolling down the app store, we quickly realised just how many have high reviews. So, where do you start?…

The 4 main areas within the music industry

What do you think of when you hear the words music industry? Do you think of yourself as a musician? Artists who you love? Or, do you think of the different areas that the music industry is broken down into?…

Pixelhunter – resize your images for social media platforms

It’s one of the best kept secrets. A completely free editing website that resizes your images for various social media platforms. Rather than having to resize yourself and guessing the measurements, simply click your chosen platform and Pixelhunter will do…

Jitter, one of the best kept marketing secrets

Don’t have money to spend on different software? No worries, we’ve got you covered. You can still create all the fun, exciting looking content for your social media accounts. However, this comes without the hefty price tag and the need…

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