Category Fun

Does exactly what it says on the tin.

Spotify are introducing a comment section within podcasts

Spotify are introducing a comment section within podcasts

Spotify are introducing a balance between podcasters and listeners. They’re adding a comments section, so the audience can get involved with the conversations, just like they would on YouTube. Spotify is making it easier than ever for podcasters and their…

Netflix Games – brand new feature for mobile users

Netflix Games - brand new feature for mobile users

Challenge your friends, create your own user handle and compete to see who can get the top high-score. With so many games to choose from, Netflix is the new platform to be on. Netflix is not just about movies and…

Instagram’s secret emoji game

Instagram's secret emoji game

Getting left on read never felt so good. Now, Instagram have created a game which will help you pass the time. They’ve added a ‘keepy uppy’ game which users can play with their favourite emojis. Ok so, the instructions above…

The role of a voice actor and how to become one

The role of a voice actor and how to become one

Voice actors bring characters to life. They give a voice to the characters on the screens we know and love. But, their job requires a lot of hard work. Voice acting is a captivating art form that breathes life into…

What is the role of a food stylist within photography?

What is the role of a food stylist within photography

Those fast food adverts you see? Yep, they’re not real. That’s why the burgers always look so much better in the ad than real life. The photographers use food stylists to help stage the picture. Have you ever flipped through…

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