Category Discussions

A source of dialogues discussing various topics, arguments and opinions in the worlds of marketing and content creation.

PUSH 101: What is a release link?

So, you’re creating a Smart Link through, but we keep asking you for your release links? What are they? Where do you find them? Do PUSH provide them? You may have multiple questions about this process, so hopefully we…

PUSH 101: How to hide likes on Instagram

Instagram brought in the feature which enables users to hide their like count. It seems the social media world got too caught up in the number of likes on their pictures, rather than the meaning and messages behind them. Competition…

Linktree’s new updates for musicians

Linktree have recently announced some new updates that will help out musicians. It seems they have tailored a link choice to artists. Here at our first Smart Link option was heavily music based, and we have since developed further…

Top 5 Instagram habits to strengthen your audience

With Instagram being one of the best platforms to go viral on currently. You need to be present and allow your branding to be strong if you want to stand out. Think about what your purpose is on the platform…

Online bots – are they all bad?

When you hear the word bot you typically fear the worst. It’s likely you imagine them to be hackers or fraudsters, right? However, it isn’t always the case that online bots are bad. Sometimes, they can actually serve a purpose.…

How does the TikTok algorithm work?

Cracking the TikTok algorithm will be life changing. It could turn your content around and gain you thousands of views. All you need to know is how to handle it. TikTok is the place to go viral. If your content…

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