PUSH.fm – free e-commerce platform to rival Gumroad

Both PUSH.fm and Gumroad offer Pay Link tools, allowing you to sell your digital products hassle free. However, how do the two compare?

We’ve dived deeper into our rivals at Gumroad, to see how we compare to the platform. Above you can see an example of our Pay Link style and on the right you can see how Gumroad presents links. Both have the same result, but the process to access the digital files is quite different. From the layout to the payment options.

What is PUSH.fm?

PUSH.fm is an online platform offering free digital marketing tools to content creators, musicians, small businesses, brands and anyone else who may need them. We offer a range of tools; Smart Links, Pre-saves, Reward Links, Competitions and Pay Links.

All of our links can be customised to add your personal branding. You can include personalised logos, Custom Backgrounds, Feature Images and unlimited URLs. Our tools can be used for any purpose. These links can be shared anywhere online.

What is Gumroad?

Gumroad is an e-commerce host. It is a digital website allowing creators to upload their digital content and sell it to their audience. They offer various templates allowing you to choose a category which your digital products fall into.

There are options to set up subscriptions, so your audience pays you monthly for an updated service. You can even cash out in various currencies. Essentially, you’re able to create mini selling websites through their servers.

Comparisons between PUSH.fm and Gumroad

Both PUSH and Gumroad offer digital Pay Links. For Gumroad that’s all they do, so surely they have got it right. PUSH, however, offer many other marketing tools. We are a one-stop-shop for your marketing needs. Below you’ll see how both platforms work.

PUSH Pay Link example

When a creator uses PUSH.fm, they have full control over how their landing page appears. They can change the background, add a description, and even add extra links to their digital download.

Adding extra URLs to your Pay Link can help grow your social media platforms because your consumers are able to easily find your pages and follow you to see more of your work.

PUSH offers two payment types; PayPal or card. You can easily switch between the two if you accidentally click on the wrong one. With the landing page set up, people are there just for that one file.

Gumroad example

Here is an example of Gumroad’s Pay Link option. As you can see rather than having one unique landing page for each digital product a creator wants to sell, creators have their own catalogue.

You click on a catalogue and then from there select the product you want to buy. You’re then met with this page on the left, where you can see a small description about the item.

You can see how many sales the person has had, and you have the option on the right to add it to your cart which can then be access at the top of the page. But, it is a little confusing to navigate for beginners.

Fees to create Pay Links

To create Pay Links through PUSH, there is no subscription fee. PUSH do however take a small cut of the earnings plus payment processing fees which are used to cover the costs incurred by payment platforms. The amount taken by PUSH is minimal compared with competitors.

Below $1,0009%$0.90
Between $1,000 and $10,0007%$0.70
$10,000 or more5%$0.50

Gumroad also have a fee with each Pay Link created through them. However, with their fee, there is no movement. It doesn’t matter how much you earn, they still take a flat 10% cut from each sale. This is more than any cut PUSH take.

Neither platform have any Premium options when it comes to Pay Links, however. PUSH do offer a Premium subscription for other products, but this is only $5 per month and adds extra features that cannot be found elsewhere.

Pros and cons for PUSH.fm

🤑 Cheaper than competitors
⛏ Large variety of tools offered
🖼 Custom Background options
📈 Unlimited link creation
😀 Easy to use

⬆ Must upgrade to access more storage
👛 Only two payment options
📅 Payments are made on the 15th of the month

Pros and cons for Gumroad

⭐ Specialise in one product
🏦 Offer catalogues for sellers
✅ User ratings/feedback
💳 Subscription options for sellers

👆 Only one feature, no variety
💸 Higher fees than competitors
🤑 Payment cut off date is one week before payment day
😥 Not beginner friendly, confusing layout

Both platforms offer unique places for their consumers to sell their products. However, after reviewing Gumroad, we have found it not to be completely user friendly. The seller links are confusing. They appear information heavy with no real branding attached.

You have to scroll down the page to read about the link, before scrolling back up to find the small buy button. Once you’ve added it to your cart, you then need to go to another page to purchase it. This might work if you’re adding multiple products to your cart.

However, for us, we found it was just another redirect that wasn’t needed. Instead, it could have been straight forward, in the form of purchasing from the link itself. Our Pay Links may look simple, but that’s because we want to keep it easy to understand.

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