Tag tiktok for you

How to make your TikTok videos accessible for everyone

TikTok have added multiple features to enhance videos and make them more accessible for all users. If you don’t already use them, you’re stopping thousands of potential viewers from being able to engage with your work. Embracing what makes us…

Spotify mimic TikTok with new vertical discovery feed

Spotify are set to replace their current feed consisting of carousels or music and podcast suggestions, with a TikTok style vertical feed. This feed will still contain recommendations, however it will look completely different to what we know. Spotify held…

TikTok trends OR informative videos?

There seems to be a mix of content creators and the video content they push out. Across TikTok, you’ll find those who sit down and talk to the camera, providing information, tips and news. However, you’ll also find those who…

Twitter introduce a FYP (For You Page) just like TikTok

Twitter have changed the way you’ll view your timeline. Instead of tweets being shown based upon an algorithm, they’ll now be displayed based on your preferences. Users will have the option to switch between two tabs – Following and For…

Trending sounds – the MOST important tool on TikTok

If you’re wanting your TikTok account to grow, and for people to see your content, you NEED to use trending sounds. They’re the tool that can help your videos go viral. But, they’re constantly changing, so you need to keep…

Will social media ever die out?

Are we too used to it now, that we will never be able to live without social media? Or, is there only so far it can go? Will it become so routine that it’s essentially boring and no longer wanted?…

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