Tag music for videos

Top 5 royalty free music websites

If you’re wanting to create video footage for your social media accounts, or you need something to add to your YouTube content, why don’t you take a look at a royalty free music site? Otherwise, you run the risk of…

How to use TikTok – a thorough guide for beginners

There’s no way you can’t be on TikTok. You need to go and download it. It’s not something you can ignore. TikTok has taken over, and you need to join in. We promise, it will be worth it. We’ll show…

TikTok has reached 1 billion users

It’s no secret how popular TikTok is, it’s quite literally taken over the internet. Everyone’s using the video sharing app to create content. With the latest news of their user number, you’d be silly not to get your music up…

TikTok vs YouTube Shorts – which is better?

Scientists believe everyone has 6 doppelgängers somewhere in the world, right? Is YouTube Shorts, TikTok’s double? Is it healthy competition, or is it a case of YouTube wanting in on a good thing? What are they? TikTok TikTok is an…

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