Tag content marketing

Smart links; an all-in-one page to market your podcast

Smart Links are sharable URLs that route your listeners to your podcast on their preferred platforms, all whilst collecting valuable engagement insights. Listeners are increasingly wanting quick, efficient and easily-accessible ways of accessing the content they love. This means that…

5 easy, go-to content marketing tips & tricks

Need some quick and easy hacks that you can use to push your content harder? Find out our go-to tips for sprucing up our promotional campaigns. Be prevalent on socials Building a page on one social platform isn’t going to…

PUSH 101: how to understand the PUSH.fm analytics overview

As well as providing DIY marketing tools, PUSH also hands you invaluable insights into how your fans interact with your content. Read on to learn more about these indispensable stats and figures. Overview Today’s Campaign Performance When you log in…

PUSH 101: what are link conversions & what do they mean?

Conversions are one of the most basic, honest and important forms of insights you should know about. Learn what they are and what they mean for your promotional campaigns. What are conversions? When a fan lands on your campaigns’ landing…

5 best free smart link providers to market new music

Smart links package up your content into a sharable, fully customisable, and tidy landing page. We’ve rounded up the best free smart link suppliers and what we love, and loath about their offerings. PUSH.fm PUSH offers a variety of marketing…

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