Category In the loop

Industry news, launches and updates – everything to keep you in the loop.

Spotify monthly active users reached 406 million in 2021

Whether you’re a Spotify fan or not, you can’t argue they’re doing exceptionally well with their subscriptions. Within 2021 they grew to 406 million active users each month. It’s often found to be the preferred streaming store, and with statistics…

The 4 main areas within the music industry

What do you think of when you hear the words music industry? Do you think of yourself as a musician? Artists who you love? Or, do you think of the different areas that the music industry is broken down into?…

Instagram stories are trialling private likes

Instagram have started testing a new feature. Not everyone will have access to this just yet. Only certain users will get to trial it to begin with. The new feature will enable users to like stories privately. The best part…

TikTok to trial a reshare button similar to Twitter

TikTok takeover TikTok is certainly addictive. It has everyone hooked, and if you say you’re not, then you’re lying. Five minutes turns into five hours within the blink of an eye. You might tell yourself you’re going to bed, but…

Vinyl record sales at their highest in 30 years

Within the UK and USA, vinyls are selling more than they have in the past 30 years. After seeing a huge push into the digital streaming world, it’s interesting to see people are still favouring older methods. Is this because…

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