Category Launches

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Major nostalgia as Fisher-Price and Nokia reboot two classics

That’s right, not one but two childhood classics are making a return. Essentially our first-ever phone and our first real phone are back in business. Nokia’s famous, indestructible brick phone is going to be back in business, and Fisher-Price’s Chatter…

Spotify Tap – a handy new feature for music lovers

Listening to music on the go has come a long way from cassettes and headphones. Having to change your tape when you wanted something different. Now streaming stores make the process a lot easier because you can pick and choose…

8 incredible brand campaigns that no one saw coming

Crocs no longer have just their normal and sports modes. Now, they have a party mode activated. Brands that just shouldn’t work together, somehow have, and we’re here for it. They’re pushing boundaries and while it may not be serious,…

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