Understanding analytics – measuring your music’s impact with PUSH.fm

Knowing how well your music is performing can be difficult. It’s hard to see success when your music hasn’t blown up and gone viral. However, all success is positive, so ensure you’re tracking your analytics.

Understanding analytics - measuring your music's impact with PUSH.fm. Screenshot of PUSH analytics.

As a musician, understanding how your music is performing is crucial to growing your career. Analytics can provide valuable insights into your audience, helping you make informed decisions about your music and marketing strategies. PUSH.fm is a powerful tool that offers detailed analytics to help you measure your music’s impact.

Why analytics matter

Know your audience

Analytics reveal who your listeners are, where they are from, and how they interact with your music. This information helps you tailor your marketing efforts to better reach and engage your audience. The better you know them, the better you can tailor your marketing.

Track performance

By monitoring the performance of your tracks, you can identify which songs are resonating with your audience and which ones might need more promotion or improvement. If something isn’t working, you need to know so you can fix it.

Optimise marketing strategies

Analytics provide data on how effective your marketing campaigns are. Understanding what works and what doesn’t allows you to refine your strategies for better results. It’s all trial and error, but you will soon see patterns emerge.

Measure growth

Tracking your progress over time helps you see how your fanbase is growing and how your music is spreading. This can be motivating and provide direction for your future efforts. See how far you have come along the way and what has made this happen.

Getting started with PUSH.fm

Sign up and set up your profile

Start by signing up for PUSH.fm and setting up your profile. Fill in all necessary details, including your artist name, bio, and links to your social media profiles and music platforms. This will allow you to create marketing links.

Connect your music platforms

Link your PUSH.fm account to your music platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Deezer. This can be done through creating music Pre-saves. This allows PUSH.fm to gather data from these platforms and provide comprehensive analytics.

Key metrics to monitor

Plays and streams

Track the number of plays and streams your music receives. This metric shows how many times your tracks are being listened to and can indicate the popularity of your songs.


Monitor the number of downloads if you offer your music for purchase or free download. High download numbers can signify strong fan interest and support.

Audience demographics

Understand who your listeners are by looking at demographics like age, gender, and location. This helps you create targeted marketing campaigns that appeal to specific audiences.

Engagement rates

Check how engaged your audience is by looking at metrics like shares, likes, comments, and follows. High engagement rates indicate a strong connection with your fans.

Source of traffic

Identify where your listeners are coming from, whether it’s social media, search engines, or direct links. This helps you understand which channels are most effective in driving traffic.

Using PUSH.fm analytics

Set goals

Use the insights from PUSH.fm to set realistic and achievable goals for your music career. Whether it’s increasing your number of streams, growing your social media following, or expanding your audience in a new region, having clear goals will guide your efforts.

Plan your releases

Analyse your past releases to determine the best time to release new music. Look at when your audience is most active and plan your releases accordingly to maximize exposure and engagement. Pick a time, or date based on the geographical location of the majority.

Tailor your content

Use demographic data to create content that resonates with your audience. For example, if you find that a large portion of your listeners are from a specific country, consider incorporating elements of their culture into your music or marketing materials.

Optimise your promotion

Track the performance of your promotional campaigns to see what’s working and what isn’t. Adjust your strategies based on the data to improve results. For instance, if you notice that social media posts with video content get more engagement, focus on creating video content.

Collaborate with influencers

Identify influential fans or potential collaborators who are engaging with your music. Partnering with influencers can help you reach a wider audience and boost your music’s visibility. It will help both parties, so it’s incredibly beneficial.

Keeping up with trends

Regularly review your analytics

Make it a habit to regularly check your PUSH.fm analytics. This helps you stay updated on your progress and quickly identify any changes or trends in your audience’s behaviour.

Experiment and learn

Don’t be afraid to try new things and see how your audience responds. Use your analytics to learn from these experiments and continually refine your approach.

Stay informed

Keep up with industry trends and changes in music consumption habits. Understanding the broader context can help you interpret your analytics more effectively and stay ahead.

Analytics are a powerful tool for any musician looking to grow their career. By understanding and utilising the insights provided by PUSH.fm, you can make data-driven decisions that enhance your music’s impact. Regularly monitoring your performance, knowing your audience, and optimising your strategies based on analytics will help build a strong fanbase.

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