Easy hack to bring more viewers into your streams

Free and easy, this hack will secure you more stream views every time. It’s effortless to set up, and could be the marketing tool you’ve been missing. Whether you stream on Twitch, YouTube or Steam, keep reading!

Streamers of all kind need a way of promoting themselves. They need to bring the viewers in and the best way of doing this is by marketing their streams before they happen. Encouraging people to join the live conversations and watch as the stream unfolds.

No matter what your streaming niche, you’ll need an audience. Otherwise, you’re not growing your brand, which of course, is yourself. You also won’t have the chance of sponsorships or earning money without bringing people to your streams.

It’s easy enough to promote your work. Simply create yourself a unique, customised, Smart Link. Allow everyone to see what you have to offer, see where they can find your next live session. Include URLs so viewers have direct links to your content.

Share old streams that people can go back and watch. Allow them an insight into what to expect from you. Combine your social profiles to allow them to see who you are. Who the person behind the camera is. Get the conversations started there first.

Combine all your streaming URLs

If you’re looking to answer some viewer questions throughout your streams, get people to ask over on your social channels before you go live. Be prepared. The best way to do this is by having a digital housing link, combining all your relevant URLs in one place.

If you view our link above, you will notice there is a link to Twitch, YouTube and Discord. These are just a few options you can add. If you have any other URL, you can add it to your Smart Link and allow your brand to reach a wider audience.

All you then need to do is share and promote one link. Your fans can find everything they need in one place, so they aren’t searching the internet to find your next streaming URL ahead of the live session. You can rename the URL to represent your gamer tag, or branding.

Add in your own custom image and a bio if you wish. The more personalised information, the better, as it shows who you are as a streamer. Make it easier for yourself. After all, Smart Links are free and unlimited and can be updated at any time.

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