Tag music analytics

The global music industry is set to exceed predictions

Place your bets now, before you read any further… What do you think the global music industry will be worth in 2030? Music is something that will always grow. It will change along the way as we develop new sound…

Marketing 101: What are analytics & insights?

You might’ve heard the terms ‘analytics’ & ‘insights’ thrown around, but what are they, and how can they be used to maximise your chance of success? What are analytics? In it’s simplest form, marketing analytics are collections of data and…

PUSH 101: how to understand your PUSH.fm Pre-save analytics

Pre-saves are the new pre-order, enabling fans to save their favourite upcoming releases to their libraries on release day. By learning how to read your Pre-save insights, you can use them to guarantee a successful release day. Understanding Pre-save campaign…

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