Spotify Wrapped 2023 is almost here – what we know so far

Spotify Wrapped 2023 is almost here. Before you know it, you’ll be able to see your top played tracks and artists throughout this year. But, when exactly will we see Wrapped hit our devices?

Spotify Wrapped 2023 is almost here - what we know so far. Photo of Wrapped from previous years.
Credit: Spotify

It’s the most, wonderful time of the year… Why? Well, forget Christmas cheer, we’re waiting for our Spotify Wrapped data to hit our devices. That’s what the holiday season is really about, right? Well, for many of us it certainly is an end of year highlight. We don’t spend all year streaming our favourite artists without hoping we appear in their top 1%.

Spotify, have kept everything quite secretive this year. They seem to quite enjoy the mad scramble of users rushing to the app to beat their friends to their stats. No one ever knows the exact date Spotify plan to release Wrapped, but we can make a good guess based upon previous dates. It always falls around the end of November or beginning of December.

What dates has Spotify Wrapped been released previously?

  • 2017: December 6th
  • 2018: December 6th
  • 2019: December 5th
  • 2020: December 2nd
  • 2021: December 1st
  • 2022: November 30th

There’s no real pattern. The company really seems to love a Wednesday or Thursday because each previous Wrapped has been released on one or the other. However, there’s no set structure. It doesn’t seem to be the same day, or date each year, so it does seem to be slightly random. Perhaps they’ve picked the middle of the week for a reason.

It might be that a Wednesday or Thursday will get the most traction. Rather than waiting until a weekend where people might be busy and forget to check their statistics that day. However, that’s about as much as we can tell. Spotify likely mix things up intentionally to keep their users guessing. We’ll take a guess on 2023.

We want to say Wednesday 6th December because well, it’s a Wednesday and at the time of publishing this (Wednesday 29th November) there are no rumours from Spotify. But, is this too obvious due to previous dates? If it’s not the 6th, we’re saying the 7th of December, which is a Thursday. We don’t think it will be in November at this point.

When does Spotify stop tracking your streaming habits for Wrapped?

It might surprise you, but any streams you’ve made since November 1st aren’t counted. That’s why you’ll never see your Christmas favourites in your statistics. Well, unless you’re someone who misses spooky season and jumps straight into the holidays once Summer is over… But, most of us certainly won’t see Christmas tracks on our Wrapped.

Perhaps you wouldn’t see it anyway. After all, you’d need to stream Christmas songs a lot to have them make up a whole year worth of streams. Spotify stops tracking your listening habits from the 31st October each year. The platform starts tracking from the 1st January. So, it’s 10 months worth of data.

Spotify Wrapped data will only be available on mobile devices. If you’re someone who uses Spotify on the desktop version, or for web, unfortunately you won’t be able to access your statistics. We’d recommend downloading the app before 2023’s data is released. It will be sent straight to your device, so you won’t need to search for it. sign up for free GIF
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