Tag youtube

How to grow your YouTube subscribers organically

You can build your YouTube up from scratch without paying a penny. This is key, as many people will try to encourage you to buy your subscribers. It doesn’t work. Your subscribers need to be built organically. As your channel…

How to grow your YouTube audience with just one video

You’ve probably seen our previous blog post (we hope) all about growing your subscribers. As we mentioned in that article, there are so many ways to create growth on YouTube. We’ve found a really insightful video that might be beneficial…

TikTok has reached 1 billion users

It’s no secret how popular TikTok is, it’s quite literally taken over the internet. Everyone’s using the video sharing app to create content. With the latest news of their user number, you’d be silly not to get your music up…

How do I get an Official Artist Channel on YouTube?

Known as an OAC for short, it gets you a fancy little music symbol next to your artist name on YouTube. Not only do you look flashy, but you also have more customisation features. It’s the ultimate YouTube collab. Your…

How can independent artists get their music on Content ID?

YouTube have two options when it comes to sharing your music. They offer YouTube Music, where your content will display under an artist topic channel. Alternatively your music can be placed into the Content ID system where you will earn…

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