Tag tools

Spotify connects listeners through group sessions

Spotify have introduced many features which allow you to connect with friends and family through music. Blends allows you to create playlists based upon various music tastes. However, Listening Together was designed to bring you even close. You pause your…

10 ways you can use a Custom Link

Custom Links, what are they? They’re not an obvious one like Fan Links or Podcast Links. Instead, they leave you to make the decisions. But, the short answer is, you can use Custom Links for anything. They’re a blank canvas…

PUSH 101: Why you need a mobile friendly website

It’s 2022, everyone uses their phones for everything. In fact, more and more people don’t have access to a computer or laptop. They solely rely on their mobile phones. Having a website that is optimised for mobile users is key.…

Online bots – are they all bad?

When you hear the word bot you typically fear the worst. It’s likely you imagine them to be hackers or fraudsters, right? However, it isn’t always the case that online bots are bad. Sometimes, they can actually serve a purpose.…

PUSH 101: Is LinkedIn important for musicians?

I presume you’ve seen everyone raving about LinkedIn and how it’s the best place to find work or connect with people. Is that only for people seeking a 9-5 job, or can anyone utilise LinkedIn and the services it offers?…

Hit or miss – photo editing apps reviewed by PUSH

With the thousands of photo editing apps on the market, how do you pick? Sure, you can go off reviews, but scrolling down the app store, we quickly realised just how many have high reviews. So, where do you start?…

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