Tag tools

What is Jasper?

What is Jasper

Jasper is an AI tool that can create and enhance content. Widely used by those in various creatives realms to generate unique content. Jasper, formerly known as Jarvis, is an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) tool designed to simplify and enhance…

How to get a free Pre-save link

How to get a free Pre-save link

A Pre-save link allows your fans to save your music before release day. While they can’t stream it until it hits stores, they can ensure it will be placed in their library on the day it does. So, you’re probably…

Simple photo projects to build your portfolio

Simple photo projects to build your portfolio

Your portfolio speaks for you. It’s more important than your resume. Showing your old work rather than new content could be the reason you don’t get the job. Keep updating your portfolio to secure that gig. Building a strong photography…

Budget microphones for content creators and podcasters

Budget microphones for content creators and podcasters

Finding the best equipment when you’re new to an industry is hard. You haven’t made enough friends to ask around yet, and you don’t have the budget to spend a fortune. Instead of reading through articles, just have a look…

Top apps to boost your productivity

Top apps to boost your productivity

Finding your zone can be difficult. There are so many apps you can access, but how do you know which is the most beneficial for your work? In today’s fast-paced world, staying productive is essential. Thankfully, numerous apps are designed…

Why you should always update your portfolio

Why you should always update your portfolio

Your portfolio is your CV or resume. It speaks for you and your talents. If it isn’t updated, then how will people know what you are currently capable of? Keeping your portfolio up-to-date is crucial whether you’re a freelancer, creative…

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