Tag music for streaming

Is TikTok becoming a record company?

People within the music industry often mock the idea of TikTok being a record label, but it does seem to be heading that way. They’ve introduced their own distribution service, allowing artists to upload to TikTok, RESSO, Spotify, Apple Music,…

Eurovision competition has taken over Spotify

With the lead up to the big music competition of the year, Spotify have seen more and more playlists being created around the topic. People go crazy for Eurovision. It’s a time to get together with friends and family and…

How to make a killer landing page

Whether you’re a musician, brand, creative, influencer or business. You should really have a Smart Link that contains all relevant URLs under one roof. They speak for you and help massively with promotional material. It’s one thing making a Smart…

PUSH 101: How do I create a music link?

Perhaps you have just released your first track across multiple stores. Now, you want to be able to share these links with everyone you know and really make a name for yourself. How do you do this? Share every store…

Promo.ly vs PUSH.fm – best Pre-save option?

Creating a Pre-save before your music goes live is one of the best promotional tools you can have. They allow you to drive attention to your release before it hits the stores. On release day, you’ll see a quicker turnaround…

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