Tag instagram how to

PUSH 101: How to delete your social media accounts

Social media is a great place for networking and growing as an artist or creator. However, sometimes it can be a bit much, and it’s important when it is to take a step back. Also, you might decide you want…

Grow your Instagram account through collaborations

Accounts that collab together, grow together. Or at least that’s how we like to think of it. It benefits all parties though when a collaboration takes place. Getting involved with other accounts means you’re sharing followers. This helps both accounts…

Instagram now lets you post directly from your desktop

Great news for content creators, marketing specialists, social media managers and basically everyone who uses Instagram from their computer. Instagram have finally allowed us to post directly from our desktop to the platform. No need to send photos and videos…

How to check your Instagram account status

Instagram has been known to block accounts with little to no warning. People have reported that their 20k accounts have been wiped with no trace and there’s nothing that can be done to get them back. While Instagram receives constant…

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