Fan Linking 101: How to make money with Fan Links

Beginner artist? Worried about how you’re going to make your big break? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Our FREE marketing tools, will allow you to make money. Create yourself a Fan Link and start earning! Fan Links earn artists money…

LinkedIn hashtags – a guide to using them

Hashtags have helped gain attention amongst social platforms for years. Constantly changing are opinions on how to use them and when. But, since they’ve been about, we’ve never strayed away completely. LinkedIn, have even got involved. Now, you can capture attention…

Spotify bought content moderation startup Kinzen

Spotify have recently acquired a new startup company based in Ireland. The tech company specialise in content moderation. Specifically harmful content. Kinzen has the technology to moderate harmful content. This could prove extremely useful to a platform like Spotify. To help…

PUSH 101: How to upload video to YouTube

New to YouTube? Wanting to try out vlogging or sharing your opinions through reviews? There are so many genres and niches on YouTube that there really is an avenue for everyone. You just need to know how to get started. If…

The rise in popularity of social commerce

Social commerce is the process of selling products through social platforms. The purchases come directly from social media, rather than a consumer being directed elsewhere. This has risen in popularity in the past year, and it seems it will continue to…

Studies show YouTube’s dislike buttons don’t benefit viewers

Despite believing disliking a video or flagging it as not interested will help make your viewer experience better. Studies show this isn’t the case. Instead, YouTube’s algorithm isn’t listening to what viewers don’t want to see. YouTube’s dislike and not interested…

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