Category Guides

Guides you can use to learn, inform and inspire your marketing and promotional plans.

The rise of NFTs in the music industry – what you need to know

The rise of NFTs in the music industry - what you need to know

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token. They’re unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain. They cannot be replicated. With NFTs continuing to grow in popularity, should musicians start considering them? In recent years, you may have heard about Non-Fungible Tokens…

Understanding public liability insurance for freelancers

Public liability insurance is an important thing for any freelancer to be aware about. Without it, if something goes wrong, you could be held responsible. If you’re a freelancer, you’re probably used to wearing many hats – from doing the…

What are exclusive samples within the music industry?

What are exclusive samples within the music industry

Exclusive samples are parts of a track. Small parts but important ones nonetheless. For example, a drum pattern, or guitar piece. Exclusive samples are like secret ingredients in a chef’s kitchen or rare gems in a treasure chest for musicians.…

How to add lyrics to your music on Spotify

How to add lyrics to your music on Spotify

When you’ve released a song you hope will become a catchy tune, you want people to sing along. However, how do they if they aren’t sure on the lyrics? Well, they follow along karaoke style, of course. Adding lyrics to…

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