Tag streaming insights

Promo.ly vs PUSH.fm – best Pre-save option?

Creating a Pre-save before your music goes live is one of the best promotional tools you can have. They allow you to drive attention to your release before it hits the stores. On release day, you’ll see a quicker turnaround…

Spotify monthly active users reached 406 million in 2021

Whether you’re a Spotify fan or not, you can’t argue they’re doing exceptionally well with their subscriptions. Within 2021 they grew to 406 million active users each month. It’s often found to be the preferred streaming store, and with statistics…

Vinyl record sales at their highest in 30 years

Within the UK and USA, vinyls are selling more than they have in the past 30 years. After seeing a huge push into the digital streaming world, it’s interesting to see people are still favouring older methods. Is this because…

Easy ways to increase your music video views on YouTube

We all want our YouTube videos to reach their maximum potential. The best way to do this is by expanding your views. However, you don’t want to spam the system because you will get caught out, and your content will…

Spotify’s most popular content of 2021

Sit back, grab a cuppa and prepare yourself for what’s about to come… Can you guess who made it to the top spot? Or, do you have no idea? We have the inside scoop on all things Spotify, so we…

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