Tag social media marketing tools

Share Instagram posts using QR code stickers

Instantly access auto generated QR codes for each post within Instagram. Share your own, and other creatives posts by downloading a unique code. Could this be the new way of sharing content? Instagram have brought in a new way to…

Forekast – a social media calendar to inspire content creators

Creating content isn’t the hard part, it’s finding the resources to spark your imagination. Often you feel you’ve exhausted all ideas and there’s nothing left to speak about. That’s where Forekast comes in. It’s a hashtag calendar telling you all…

Amazon Prime creates a TikTok account thanks to Jason Derulo

It looks like Amazon Prime have followed in Facebook’s footsteps. Previously the social media giants admitted the future was in TikTok and set up their very own account. Now Amazon Prime have created an account. It’s with the hope they…

Digital marketing strategies for beginners

When you’re first starting out in any industry it can be tricky to find your feet. Not only do you have to learn your trade, but you also need to learn how to sell your brand or business. It can…

Facebook have set up their own TikTok account

Following on from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg stating that the future of social media is in TikTok, Facebook have now created their very own account on the platform. Currently, they haven’t prepared any videos, but we’re interested to see what’s…

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