Tag social marketing

Facebook or Instagram – which is better for small brands?

Sometimes when you’re a small brand, it’s not possible to manage multiple platforms. If you can only pick one would you choose Instagram or Facebook? Giving one platform lots of attention could be better for your business than giving many…

Social media platforms you CAN’T ignore

Don’t sleep on these platforms. You’ll regret it. Often people try to spread themselves too thin. They go for every social platform they can. But, that usually means they can’t focus enough on any of them as they have too…

Will social media ever die out?

Are we too used to it now, that we will never be able to live without social media? Or, is there only so far it can go? Will it become so routine that it’s essentially boring and no longer wanted?…

Meme culture – can you avoid it?

Memes are everywhere. Essentially, they’ve taken over the internet. They’re fun, quirky ways of expressing ourselves. But, they’ve definitely moved on from being something you’d just share with your friends. Now, businesses (including PUSH) are getting involved in meme culture.…

The rise in popularity of social commerce

Social commerce is the process of selling products through social platforms. The purchases come directly from social media, rather than a consumer being directed elsewhere. This has risen in popularity in the past year, and it seems it will continue…

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